Rep. Blunt Rochester Introduces Comprehensive Bipartisan Supply Chains Package

Today, after striking a major bipartisan agreement, Rep. Lisa Blunt Rochester (D-Del.) along with Rep. Larry Bucshon M.D. (R-Ind.) introduced the bipartisan Promoting Resilient Supply Chains Act. The bill is scheduled to be considered in the House Committee on Energy & Commerce tomorrow. The legislation would create a whole-of-government approach to mapping, monitoring, and proactively strengthening American supply chains, bringing manufacturing jobs back home, and lowering costs for American consumers. 


“Today, after months of good-faith, bipartisan negotiations, I’m thrilled to introduce the bipartisan Promoting Resilient Supply Chains Act that will help us map, monitor, and strengthen American supply chains, make more critical goods right here at home, and create good-paying jobs while lowering consumer costs,” said Rep. Blunt Rochester. “I want to thank Dr. Bucshon for his commitment to engage on these critical issues, our staff for their tireless efforts in negotiating this deal, and the Energy and Commerce Committee for their willingness to consider this bipartisan measure. I look forward to working with my colleagues to advance the Promoting Resilient Supply Chains Act from our committee, to the House floor and, hopefully, to President Biden’s desk.”


“As America navigates the complexities of the modern digital age, we must continue to improve the resiliency of our supply chains and foster innovative uses of blockchain technologies throughout the U.S. economy,” said Dr. Bucshon. “This bipartisan legislation would pave the way for a more efficient and secure U.S. economy by identifying vulnerabilities and mitigating risk. I hope the bipartisan introduction of these pieces of legislation signal Congress’ steadfast commitment to ensuring U.S. economic strength and global competitiveness.”


“Ensuring supply chain security and resilience is crucial to maintaining American technology leadership,” said Information Technology Industry Council (ITI) President and CEO Jason Oxman. “ITI applauds Congresswoman Lisa Blunt Rochester and Congressman Larry Bucshon for their bipartisan Promoting Resilient Supply Chains Act, which will help reinforce supply chains, safeguard national security, advance innovation, and support global economic growth. We encourage the U.S. Congress to advance this critical legislation.”


“Even before the COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent supply chain challenges, the makers of America’s favorite household products identified the need to strengthen U.S. supply chain competitiveness and resiliency. Consumer Brands commends Reps. Bucshon and Blunt-Rochester’s for developing bipartisan legislation that thoughtfully incorporates many CPG industry priorities, including the establishment of a supply chain resiliency program at the Department of Commerce, tools to map and monitor supply chains, and strategic reviews to guide policy that complements private sector investment and focus,” said David Chavern, President & CEO, Consumer Brands Association. “It also lays the groundwork for better response and getting ahead of future crises. Protecting America’s supply chains and U.S. manufacturing is not a Republican or a Democratic priority — it is a national imperative, and Congress should move quickly to pass the Promoting Resilient Supply Chains Act.” 


The Bipartisan Promoting Resilient Supply Chains Act would: 


  • Designate the existing Assistant Secretary of Commerce responsible for leading the whole-of-government supply chain resilience efforts previously conceived of in the Supply CHAINS Act. 

  • Create a robust program that includes expanded mapping and monitoring initiative, proactive work to address supply chain shocks before they occur, and engagement with key allies and international actors. 

  • Create a coordination group that ensures labor is at the table in advising on crucial supply chain resiliency policy.

  • Design an improved list of emerging technologies for the program to focus on, including a public and transparent process for designated new technology focus areas for the program. 

  • Develop a national strategy that elevates the importance of the issue and provides for a plan of action to address supply chain resiliency.

  • Conduct a capability assessment that could sow the seeds for the expansion of the program in the future, like the grant and loan fund conceived in the America COMPETES Act.

Full text of the bill can be found here




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