Rep. Blunt Rochester Reaches Major Bipartisan Agreement on Supply Chains Package

Today, Congresswoman Lisa Blunt Rochester (D-Del.) announced that she had reached a major bipartisan deal on a supply chain package. The deal, struck with Rep. Larry Bucshon (R-Ind.), would ensure that American supply chains are mapped, monitored, and strengthened. The bill is expected to be introduced next week and a markup to consider the legislation was noticed this afternoon and will take place on Tuesday, December 5th. 


“After months of good-faith, bipartisan negotiations, I’m thrilled that we have reached a strong and substantive agreement that will help us map, monitor, and strengthen American supply chains, make more critical goods right here at home, and create good-paying jobs while lowering consumer costs. I want to thank Dr. Bucshon for his commitment to engage on these critical issues, our staff for their tireless efforts in negotiating this deal, and the Energy and Commerce Committee for their willingness to consider this bipartisan measure. I look forward to working with my colleagues to advance this bill from our committee, to the House floor and, hopefully, to President Biden’s desk.”


Additional details of the legislation will be made available upon its introduction early next week. 




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