Fiscal Year 2025 Community Project Funding Request Application - Instructions

Disclaimers: As of March 27, 2024, the House Majority has not released guidance on community project funding requests (CPF). Please be advised all guidance and availability of FY25 CPFs is subject to change pending the Majority’s release of FY25 guidance. In the last two years, each Member of the House could only submit up to 15 projects. The House Appropriations Committee (HAC) will require Members of Congress to publicly post their requests online once submitted to HAC for consideration. To comply with HAC and ethics requirements, any and all information that you provide on your application may become publicly available in the future. Submission of a request does not mean (1) that your request will automatically be made to HAC, or (2) that HAC will fund the request or fund it at the requested level. Please take these factors under consideration when deciding whether to make a request.


1.           All applications are DUE ON April 16, 2024, by close of business. Early submission is encouraged.


2.           For questions or assistance, contact my office before the deadline: by phone at 202-225-4165 or email at  


3.           All applications must be submitted via E-MAIL. Use the following email address:


4.           When submitting your application, utilize the following format for the subject line of your e-mail: Organization’s Name followed by “FY25 CPF Request” and, if you are submitting multiple project requests, “Request #1 of x.Submit your application as one .pdf file – contact my office for assistance.


5.      Only FULLY COMPLETED applications will be considered. If any questions are not applicable, write “N/A.” Do not leave any areas blank and ensure all required documentation is provided, otherwise your application will not be submitted. Please review the submission guide found on


6.      If you have multiple requests, submit each request SEPARATELY.  Please do not request funding for more than one project on a single application form.  We also urge you to limit the number of requests.  


7.      Eligible Grantees: Non-profits and government entities are eligible. For-profit entities are NOT eligible. Museums, memorials, or commemoratives are NOT eligible. If you are unsure of your project or organization’s eligibility, please contact the office ASAP.       


8.      No multiyear funding requests will be considered. HAC will only consider one-year funding requests.


9.      State and local matching requirements will not be waived if applicable. HAC will not waive matching requirements for projects that would otherwise have such requirements by statute or longstanding policy.


10.    Provide the following documentation, if applicable:

  • Proof of non-profit status – Submit IRS documentation of non-profit status.
  • Demonstrated Community Support – All projects must have demonstrated community support. Examples include, but are not limited to:

                    o   Letters of support from elected officials (state and local)

                    o   Delaware Community - Business owners in the area, advocates, target audience, etc

                    o   Press articles highlighting the need for the requested project.

                    o   Resolutions passed by city councils or boards.

                    o   Projects listed on State-use plans or community development plans.

Click the link below to download the application form:

FY2025 Community Project Funding Application

Click the link below to download the application guide:

FY2025 Community Project Funding Guide

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