Blunt Rochester Introduces Legislation Extending TAA Benefits to Farmers Impacted by Retaliatory Tariffs

Washington, July 24, 2018 | Kyle Morse (202-695-0494)

Washington, DC –  Today, Congresswoman Lisa Blunt Rochester (D-DE), a member of the House Committee on Agriculture, introduced H.R. 6483, the Trade Assistance for Farmers Act. The bill would expand the Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) program to include farmers, growers, and producers negatively impacted by retaliatory tariffs on U.S. exports. Today, Senator Heidi Heitkamp (D-ND), member of the Senate Agriculture Committee, also introduced the Senate companion to the bill.

“While there is a real need to hold China and bad actors accountable for trade imbalances and currency manipulation, we cannot do it through policies that harm the proud farmers and growers who help feed the world,” said Congresswoman Blunt Rochester. “In an already difficult agricultural economy, the Administration’s trade actions and the retaliatory tariffs they triggered have made it even more difficult for family farmers to sell their crops and make ends meet. Our farmers want help to stay competitive while they find new markets to sell their crops and commodities. The Trade Assistance for Farmers Act will provide a permanent fix to help impacted farmers, growers, and businesses get the assistance they need in current and future agricultural markets.”

Full text of the legislation can be found here, and a summary can be found here.



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