Blunt Rochester, Steil Announce Future of Work Caucus

Washington, January 16, 2020 | Andrew Donnelly (202-225-4165)

WASHINGTON, D.C—Yesterday, Lisa Blunt Rochester (D-DE) and Bryan Steil (R-WI)  rolled out the Congressional Future of Work Caucus. Blunt Rochester and Steil, co-chairs of the Future of Work Caucus, joined representatives from the tech, education, business, and automotive industries at a caucus kickoff event.

“The future of work depends on us working together now. Technology, manufacturing, and jobs are changing. We must be proactive and take advantage of the opportunities ahead of us. Among other issues, we’ll examine how to create and expand effective skills programs, promote growth within emerging industries and help workers access good paying jobs. These are priorities to families in Wisconsin and Delaware, and everywhere in between. We are excited to get to work with our colleagues and find innovative solutions to help workers and grow the economy,” said the co-chairs.  

The Future of Work Caucus has 19 members. Prior to being elected to Congress, Blunt Rochester served as Delaware’s Secretary of Labor, among other roles in state government and has spent her career working to create economic opportunity for all. Prior to being elected to Congress in 2018, Steil worked in the manufacturing sector for a decade focusing on business development in Southeast Wisconsin.

The Congressional Future of Work Caucus was created to educate Members and their staff, stakeholders, and the public on the challenges and opportunities prevalent in U.S economy. The Caucus plans to discuss a number of topics, including the growing effects of automation on the workforce, the emerging impact of artificial intelligence on society, the changing nature of the social contract, and the possible disruption & opportunities presented by technology in the U.S. economy.


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