Rep. Blunt Rochester to bring cancer survivor, Delaware small business owner to State of the Union

Washington, February 4, 2020 | Andrew Donnelly (202-225-4165)

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Rep. Lisa Blunt Rochester (D-Del.) will be joined by her guest, a stage 4 cancer survivor and small business owner, Jan White of Newark, Delaware, at this evening’s State of the Union Address. 

“I am so pleased to be able to have Jan join me as my guest for the State of the Union Address,” said Rep. Blunt Rochester. “I’m incredibly inspired by Jan’s strength and fortitude, not only in beating cancer but in turning her adversity into action by helping those who continue to battle their diseases. Jan’s story underscores why it’s so critical that we maintain patient protections, eliminate annual or lifetime limits, and continue to expand and lower the cost of health care.” 

Jan White is a resident of Newark, Delaware, a stage 4 Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma survivor and small business owner. Jan serves as the American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network Delaware ACT Lead along with being a Volunteer Advocate for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society (LLS). She advocates for the patient protections, such as the protections for pre-existing conditions, elimination of premium ratings, no annual or lifetime limits, and the ability for cancer patients to have accessible, affordable, comprehensive options for health care coverage. Jan has owned her business Meetings by Design, for 28 years, and has been happily married to her best friend Michael for more than 32 years. Her proudest title is Mom, to their son Ethan.


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