Blunt Rochester on Republican Immigration Bill: “Unserious, Unproductive, and Unworkable.”

WASHINGTON - Today, Rep. Lisa Blunt Rochester (D-Del.), issued the following statement after voting against the House Republican immigration measure. 


“The bill voted on today in the House isn’t just cruel - it’s unserious, unproductive, and unworkable. The Republican proposal doubles down on measures that are expensive and ineffective, effectively bans lawful asylum claims, and enables the cruel and inhumane child separation policies of the Trump Administration. 


“This bill was not proposed in an effort to bring about good-faith negotiations on immigration reform. Instead, it caters to the most extreme elements of the Republican conference. Our country cannot afford any more of these political stunts - it’s time to come to the table, using the U.S. Citizenship Act proposed by President Biden as our starting point, and negotiate for comprehensive immigration reform that honors our values, offers real and meaningful border security, and provides a pathway to citizenship.”



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