Rep. Blunt Rochester Statement on House Reauthorization of Critical Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Programs

WASHINGTON - Today, Congresswoman Lisa Blunt Rochester (D-Del.) released the following statement after voting to reauthorize critical workforce innovation and opportunity programs through H.R. 6655, A Stronger Workforce for America Act. 

“Having previously served as Delaware’s Secretary of Labor, and as the founder and co-chair of the Future of Work Caucus in Congress, strengthening our nation’s workforce has always been at the forefront of my work. As industries across our economy continue to face workforce challenges, with more jobs open than people looking for work, I am pleased that the House took this important step to reauthorize programs that remove barriers to employment, create skilled workers across industries, and grow our economy.

“I’m proud that several priorities that I championed to create a stronger and more skilled workforce – including investments in workforce education at community colleges, innovative applications of immersive technology, enhancement of adult education and digital literacy, strengthening of second chance initiatives, support for opportunity youth, and improving workforce data collection – are in the final bill. Many of these priorities were included in my comprehensive Jobs Agenda that I unveiled last year, and several of them had bipartisan support. 

“While the bill passed by the House today could be stronger, it’s an important step forward in helping to build a workforce that is prepared to take on the jobs of today and the jobs of tomorrow across industries and unlock the full potential of our workforce for the American economy.”

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