Ahead of House Vote This Week, Blunt Rochester Urges Colleagues to Pass Bipartisan Promoting Resilient Supply Chains Act

WASHINGTON — Today, Congresswoman Lisa Blunt Rochester (D-Del.) gave remarks on the House floor urging her colleagues to pass H.R. 6571, the Promoting Resilient Supply Chains Act. The bipartisan bill was authored by Blunt Rochester and Rep. Larry Bucshon M.D. (R-Ind.) and is expected to be voted on in the House later this week. Below are her remarks as delivered and a full video of her speech can be found above. 

Mr. Speaker, I am excited that this week, the House is expected to take action on the bipartisan Promoting Resilient Supply Chains Act.

Supply chains are an issue that touches every American whether they know it or not.

From shortages of PPE and baby formula,

To lumber & glass for housing,

To semiconductor chips that power our cars - weakened supply chains can delay critical goods that we rely on.

That’s why this bill is so important. It’s an issue that I have been working on since the pandemic and Dr. Larry Bucshon and I worked tirelessly to introduce this bill after many weeks of negotiations.

This legislation creates a whole-of-government approach to mapping, monitoring, and proactively strengthening our supply chains, helping us identify shocks before they occur.

It enjoys the support of over 150 organizations and was passed out of committee unanimously.  

Making our supply chains more resilient will help us create good-paying jobs, lower costs for consumers, grow our economy, and strengthen our national security.

I ask our colleagues to vote “yes” on this legislation and I look forward to President Biden signing it.

Thank you, Mr. Speaker, and I yield back.


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