Rep. Blunt Rochester Statement on Voting Against Appropriations Bills

WASHINGTON — Today, Congresswoman Lisa Blunt Rochester (D-Del.) released the following statement after voting against the Department of Homeland Security Appropriations Act, 2025, H.R. 8752, the Department of State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs Appropriations Act, 2025, H.R. 8771, and the Department of Defense Appropriations Act, 2025, H.R. 8774:

“One of the most critical roles Congress plays is passing government funding that reflects our nation’s values, so that we can invest in our people, our communities, and meet the moment we are in. This week, the House took up three vitally important spending bills for our defense and national security. It is disappointing that, instead of honoring the bipartisan Fiscal Responsibility Act budget agreement, Republicans brought legislation to the Floor that proposes serious cuts across agencies and caters to the small, extreme faction of their party. 

“We had a bipartisan opportunity to support world-class health care for our veterans, secure our border, honor our men and women in uniform, and uphold our democracy. Instead, the Majority passed legislation that abandons our servicemembers, further promotes American isolationism, and makes our communities less safe. What’s more, the legislation doubles down on their assault on women’s rights and health by banning abortion services for veterans, defunding global maternal and child health, and places restrictions on family planning and sexual health. In the defense bill, I had put forth an amendment that would ensure our servicemembers had access to reproductive services, including IVF. This amendment would have helped prevent Republicans’ anti-reproductive freedom agenda. Instead, the majority struck my amendment down, a shameful action that only hurts our servicemembers and their families. 

“Unfortunately, I could not vote for the bills this week. As we continue this appropriations process, I welcome robust bipartisan negotiations on these bills and serious, good-faith efforts to advance the safety and wellbeing of the American people.”


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